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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Anything But the Truth

When the judge in my sister's case against the Medical Examiner, Hon. Alexander C. Lipsey (9th Circuit, Kalamazoo County) was sued in federal court in 2019, who did he call in for representation?

Allan Vander Laan of CMDA Law. Large fellow, bald as a honeydew melon. That was Defendant Lipsey's personal lawyer in Simmons v Crum et al, filed last year and dismissed, of course.

And, uh, who was the lawyer who represented the Medical Examiner's Office in Heller v deJong, in which Judge Lipsey presided? Could I convince you to wager on it?

Vander Laan. CMDA. Large, bald... He asked for dismissal and Judge Lipsey gave it to him. Of course.

In some fairness, there was a later case wherein the Court ruled against the County (which had violated the Open Meetings Act), with the County being represented again by this same attorney. So there's no favoritism, they may say, just as other people may say, "Why is his own lawyer allowed to litigate cases in front of him?"

By the way... Who presides over the defamation suit that was filed against us in 2017 by Redmond Funeral Home, a case which grinds on against poor Charlie's parents to this day? Hazard a guess?

Yep, Judge Lipsey! He actually signed an Injunction (a lifetime restraining order) against them that was VACATED by the Appellate Court as having been too broad and vague, basically unconstitutional - long after the plaintiffs dismissed me from the same sickening case.

They only let me out after I pretty much caught the plaintiff in a classic perjury trap. Incredibly, Judge Lipsey not only ignored the evidence under his nose, he would later fine my sister $500 just for posting on Facebook that I had done so.

The same gag order was applied to me, by the way, and Chapter 21 of this blog ("Hide Your Children") was ordered removed without any prior hearing. So for about a year, I was deprived of my civil right to Free Speech

For about a year, I was unable to purchase a firearm at a retail store due to that unlawful Injunction which the Plaintiffs still seek to enforce against my sister, as Judge Lipsey is now sending the case to trial. In fact, the Injunction even prevented her from getting a job with the U.S. Census, which she had done in 2010.

The Court's animus toward my sister, who somehow survives the loss of her son, is a thing that falls somewhere between obvious and overt. On the one occasion in which Theresa's brilliant attorney met with our mother (God rest her soul), he put words to it: "The judge has already made up his mind."

That's not supposed to happen in America. Other countries, maybe, but not this one. You know what they call that? Pre-judice. Which rhymes with "Free Judas." So, yes,  the Heller Family stands before you today accusing this black-robed man of prejudice.

Against us. Time and time again.

Maybe that's why the ACLU is compiling a database of the abuses of Kalamazoo County's 9th Circuit Court. We obviously felt obliged to contribute our case information to them. And it is my great privilege to file a complaint against Judge Lipsey with the Judicial Tenure Commission once he wraps up this wild spree he's on; already printed off the form.

Anyway, do you see what awaits you here, Dear Reader? Do I need to be any more explicit about it?

It truly is these petty abuses by Small Government - more than the crime or the roads or the weather or the pollution - that make people move away from Kalamazoo at the earliest possible opportunity, that should keep them from ever coming here in the first place. It's nothing but a stinking pile of garbage.

