On Jan 21, 2020 1:48 PM, "Julie M. Rogers" <Julie.Rogers@kalcounty.com> wrote:
I was looking forward to meeting with you to learn more about this issue that you and your family have been facing. Unfortunately, I was recently notified by our County attorneys that this matter is still in litigation, and have been advised against discussing it with you at this time.
I do support the idea of legislation to add another layer of a formal appeals process should people wish to appeal medical examiner decisions.I am sorry I am unable to meet at this time.Thank you for your understanding.Sincerely,
Julie Rogers
Kalamazoo County Board Chair
Moreover, the matter is actually not "in litigation" at all. As Charlie's next of kin, my sister filed an Administrative Appeal, as allowed by law. But once again, mysterious, unnamed, unconstitutional "County attorneys" are contravening our right to representative government.
It's a perversion of public service. And they don't mind doing it out in the open.
Bless her broken heart, just as she still has faith in God after losing her child, my sister still believes in the American way. She keeps searching for hope where there is none. Keeps believing that the next person who puts up a polite front might be the hero, might be the one who will help, might be someone with a soul.
I stopped believing all that stuff a long time ago because I lived in Phoenix. I came to understand that most people in government are capricious, arbitrary little pricks, and that our laws are written down because it's the only way to make these control freaks stay in line.
Until they refuse to. We see that a lot in government these days, don't we.
I would encourage you to stand up to your public officials - elected and appointed - in every instance, Citizen. Or this new abnormal will be cemented in place forever across our sweet land... Like it is, here, in Kalamazoo.
pH 1.22.2o